Detective services

Private detective services

The site contains not all the services of the private detective. Please check later.

– Services of private detective for photo and video observation

– Services of private detective to collect information of a person or enterprises

– Services of private detective on the confirmation or refutation of the fact of adultery

– Services private detective to identify fake bride

– Services of private detective to verify the lie detector

– Services of private detective on the compilation of the genealogical tree

– Services of private detective to verify the lifestyle of children

– Services of private detective to search for debtors and fraudsters

– Services of private detective to search for people in Ukraine and abroad

– Services of private detective to search for the missing people

– Services of private detective to conduct test purchases, a “secret shopper”

– Services of private detective security of real estate transactions

– Services of private detective to search for lost property

– Private detective Security services on the Internet

– Other services of a private detective, which belong to the private detective activity and do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine.

All the situations in our lives can not be foreseen, therefore the list of services detective agency  on the official website “Detective-PIC” is constantly updated. Call, talk, make appointments and detective agency “Detective-PIC” will try to solve your problem!


To collect information of a person

To collect information of a person To collect information about an individual: – Place and date of birth; – Family status; – Information about relatives; – Passport data; – Address registration, phone; – Military registration; – Convictions; – Administrative offenses; – Availability of vehicles, real estate; – History of employment; – Full information about the […]


To collect the information of the enterprises

To collect the information of the enterprises   To collect the information of the enterprises: -Full Company address, contact telephone numbers; -Department аnd representation; -All registration data; -Activities; -Licences; -Bank accounts; -Balance firm; -Assets; -Founders.   Time and cost of the order depends on the number of input data, as well as the complexity of […]

favourite work

Foto-video observation

Foto-video observation   Very often we are plagued by vague suspicion and speculation about how close to us person spends time away from us, and, unfortunately, come to mind quite happy thoughts. However, with the help of photo and video surveillance, you can get answers to your burning questions, without unnecessary scandals and clarify the […]


Fraud on the Internet

Fraud on the Internet Fraud on the Internet today, one of the most common types of fraud after the population of front companies and fake goods. It brings to its founders fabulous profits. And all because of the dishonest conduct business in the network can be not only profitable, but also with virtual impunity. After […]


Security services with real estate

Security services with real estate   You decide to buy immovable property and want to protect themselves from the risks of a property? We can provide you with the security of real estate transactions! Such audits are carried out and real estate companies, however, the results of which they represent, can not always be trusted. […]


Carrying out test purchases (Mystery shopper)

Carrying out test purchases (Mystery shopper)     Mystery shopper – type of marketing research aimed at assessing the process of customer service with the use of specially trained people (mystery shoppers). Сarrying out checks on behalf of potential / actual customers, and detailed reports on the results of inspections. Private detective “Detective-PIC” not only […]


Genealogical tree ( family tree)

Genealogical tree ( family tree)   Today is increased the interest to the history of our kin, family, surname. Ukrainians are building a new democratic and free society for which historically is the main attribute of freedom of information, freedom of knowledge of the world and oneself, the freedom of access to many archival documents. […]


Checking the lifestyle of children

Checking the lifestyle of children In the daily hustle and bustle often there is not enough time for careful attention to your child. At work, parents spend most of the day, and the son or daughter are busy at this time, can only guess. Trusts allow the family to worry about what a child skips […]


Identifying fake bride

Identifying fake bride In recent years, common method of fraud was the extortion of funds by means of marriage fraud. After dating sites or e-mail the person conditionally called false brides, grooms acquainted with the future, and develop virtual communication, and then require a certain amount of money for various overheads. That is why, not […]