Payment order for a private investigator
Question: The detective did not fulfill the order, but requires an agreed amount as well?
Answer: Here you need to watch the situation – there are cases when a detective for objective reasons does not provide the desired data, for example you are asked to find out whether a man flew from Ukraine abroad. The detective found out that not fly away, he performed the work has provided objective information (lack of data – the same data!). He is entitled to demand the agreed fee – not to force the man to fly, to meet the expectations of the client! Another situation – the detective could not find phone contact person, even though you know it he has – there can light-heartedly pay the detective costs and goodbye – about the fee is not out of the question. That is, we ask customers to distinguish between the result of the “This is not what I want to hear!” And “what I needed, it was not possible to know.” Information is not the one expected – if you please pay for it from the agency is independent. We did not get any information at all – that is, anything can happen, an advance on the costs of a detective can keep yourself and everyone on it.