To collect information of a person
To collect information about an individual:
– Place and date of birth;
– Family status;
– Information about relatives;
– Passport data;
– Address registration, phone;
– Military registration;
– Convictions;
– Administrative offenses;
– Availability of vehicles, real estate;
– History of employment;
– Full information about the private property.
For the success of any company or organization is often required information on other legal entities – partners, competitors, customer. Gathering business information about counterparty companies or competitors precedes making important business decisions. Reliability Verification of avoiding the consequences associated with possible dishonesty of the partner organization and its criminal activities, or financial failure.
To strengthen its position in the market, effectively plan the activities of their own company and to protect themselves from unfair competition, is required to collect information about competitors. Various types of information services to private detective agency “Detective-PIC” can provide as a private person, and various companies and firms. As a result of the collection of information about the client organization receives a detailed report on the work performed.
Today opens a lot of different companies. It is no secret that some of them – one-day firms. Private detective will help you avoid becoming a victim of fraud, providing detailed information about the interest you legal entity. Detectives perform several functions: they save you time, take care of your safety and provide you with comprehensive information about the organization.